The Work...

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Academic publications

Walking-with/worlding-with in a global pandemic: A story of mothering in motion

This paper addresses how walking-with an infant makes mothering worlds legible. Employing the active verb ‘worlding’, it illustrates how walking-with contributes to the emergent, embodied and relational nature of mothering as a story in motion and how we make sense of becoming a mother. The walking in this study takes place in and through (sub)urban landscapes, and how we negotiate our maternal bodies through these spaces, at a very particular moment in time (COVID-19 lockdowns), is imbricated in our worldings. Walking-with is used to not only explain the interembodiment of mother and child but also the wider milieu of ‘withs’ to demonstrate the corporeal and relational experience of walking. Walking-with a baby, particularly with a postpartum body, is hard work, messy and unpredictable, yet that is not to say the analysis leads to a negative perspective. When walking-with a baby is understood as ‘worlding-with’ we can develop a more affirmative understanding of mothering. By using creative analytical practice a walking-with story was developed drawing on data collected from walking mothers and autoethnography of my own walking-with experiences. The story makes it possible to develop a legibility that captures the contradictory experiences of mothering in motion. Creative analytical practice highlights that storying, walking and mothering is never a complete.

Haecceity of Becoming-Mother: A Diffractive Analysis of Babywearing Through a Global Pandemic

This paper problematizes notions of good/bad mothering by putting to work Deleuze and Guattari’s haecceity. Focusing on babywearing, it presents an autoethnography of my experiences of becoming-mother during the Covid-19 pandemic. Using diffractive analysis, I analyze the entanglement of my experiences of babywearing, research diaries, images/selfies, the regulations introduced during the pandemic, and the “global cultural script” of being a good mother. It works toward a position of (k)not knowing, being open to the unknown. Under the lens of haecceity, becoming-mother is “thisness”—a middle, knotting, and unknotting, ever emergent.

Illustrative work with Boy Oh Boy Designs

Walking with Babies Research Booklet

Walking Mums Manifesto

Walking Mums Manifesto (Hi Res PDF)

Walking Mums Manifesto Animation

Collaborative Work

Blaze Trails CIC User Survey Report 2021

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